The real story behind the fake ring

Ladies, we have all been there. You are living your best life minding your own dang business and a ‘gentleman’ decided to take it upon himself to ruin your day with an aggressive pick up line. It’s the worst. I mean how hard it is to be polite when asking a girl for her number. A N Y W A Y

I honestly try my very best to avoid situations where I could set myself up for unwanted attention. There is one place I can’t seem to avoid it. The gym. Most of the time, I go to the gym with my boyfriend or I lift at my parents house so it’s a non-issue. However, there is the occasional situation where I have to lift alone…in public.

Honestly, I do everything I can to blend in. I wear a hat, no makeup, headphones blasting, resting bitch face… the whole nine. I make sure Im the least approachable girl in the entire building. You would think that would be a deterrent.


One day it was so insanely out of control I left the gym in the middle of a set…like three reps deep. I was sick of being looked at and tired of being polite when asked if I was free later. Like honestly I don’t know what is appealing about a girl sweating through her shirt…. Im 100% sure I smelled like a farm animal.

As I dramatically stormed out of the gym, I knew I needed to come up with a solution to my problem. I got in the car, opened up my Amazon app and started searching for a fake engagement ring. Honestly guys, I was feeling like a genus. $10 for a 3 carat EFF OFF ring. SOLD.

I know, I know it sounds crazy. Probably because it is crazy. Im aware of my flaws.

Now the only thing left to do was tell my boyfriend about my latest bat shit crazy purchase. I told him the story and how I left in the middle of BACK DAY (which is my favorite). Luckily he is super supportive and laughed about it.

If this sparkly show stopper was the real deal it would retail for 30k. (I will stick to my fake rock thank you very much.) Since I got her two days after the gym fiasco, I have taken her with me everywhere. She is my in case of emergency escape for any situation.

The gym, the bar, the produce aisle of Kimberton Whole Foods… this baby comes in handy. 10/10 recommend if you, like me, would rather spoon out your own eyeballs than play nice by the pears.

Please tell me the craziest thing you have done to avoid getting hit on. Im dying to know!



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