I truly contemplated whether or not this was something I was going to share so early into the process. I have always promised to be an open book and I feel strongly about taking you through this with me live.
I have (after weeks of research) decided to give intermittent fasting (IF) a whirl. I have been eyeing up this style of eating years but with my 4am-10pm on the go lifestyle It was literally impossible.
NOTE: I knew that this method wouldn’t have worked for my previous schedule therefore I didn’t set myself up for failure. I waited until IF fit into my life. I’m sharing my journey, not telling you to do this too. That is not the point of this post…I’m simply sharing my why with you.
What is intermittent fasting?
It’s a method of eating with periods of fasting and eating…without knowing it, you fast too. Breakfast… literally means ‘to break the fast’. While we sleep we are in a fasting state giving our body ample time to repair and recover. I’m simply extending those fasting hours. So instead of eating from when I wake up until bedtime, I condense my consumption to an 8-hour window.
There are dozens of ways to fast. Im going with the 16:8 method meaning I fast for 16 hours and eat for 8. There is the 12:12 split or the 20:4 ratio. You could also do 18:6. You eat normally during your eating window and stop when your time is up. It’s that easy.
EDIT: You still eat your normal calorie intake… just in a shortened time frame. Im still hitting well over 2,000 a day… just in 8 hours.
You know I love science…It’s the nurse in me. I truly cannot help It. Fasting is done to promote autophagy which too is put simply is the body healing and cleaning itself. Short-term fasting leads to a dramatic upregulation in neuronal autophagy aka the BRAIN functions at a higher level. Essentially your body cleans the neurons in your spine and brain. Who couldn’t use a more efficient brain? Need to see the science for yourself? You can read the super scientific dirty details HERE.
or read: Circadian Code + The Cruise Control Diet
or watch: Fasting on Prime Video
PS: there is nothing that grinds my gears more than someone changing their entire lifestyle for a week based on a 1.5 hour documentary or even a blog post. FACT CHECK their sources, doctors and so-called experts before you believe 100% of what is said. That includes me.
IF is also said to reduce inflammation as evidence by the decrease in monocytes in the bloodstream. Monocytes are white blood cells which are a marker of invaders in the body. When you are sick you have an increase of white blood cells in your labs showing that your body is fighting infection or inflammation. As someone with autoimmune issues, I pay close attention to my whites cell count. Anything that decreases inflammation is key for me to remain in remission.
Let’s be superficial for a second…please note I saved the fluffy stuff for last because it’s truly the least important in my eyes… It is said that autophagy is the KEY to anti-aging. UMMMM hello… you know I have a deep-rooted FEAR of wrinkles so this was a selling point to me. There is also quite a bit of evidence to suggest IF is good for weight loss. Now weight loss only occurs when one is eating in a caloric deficit so there are other ways to eat less and lose weight without fasting however IF can be a useful tool.
It’s hard to argue against science but I need to play devil’s advocate. If you have a history of disordered eating this method could be a trigger for you therefore maybe not the best choice. It’s also not something to start if your pregnant or trying to get pregnant. OR if your schedule is like mine used to be, it would be impossible for you to be successful.
If you’re wanting to test It out but aren’t sure if It’s safe for you, call your doctor.
My Experience (so far)
My body is still waking up naturally between 4-5am. Waiting to eat until 12/1pm is tricky and I’m only on day two. Remember I did extensive research… and having pure FAT during your fast is fine because fat doesn’t alter your blood glucose levels. Pure fat meaning ZERO carbs, ZERO protein on the nutrition label. SO, coffee with coconut oil or butter is FINE.
I am not the biggest fan of drinking butter because health, however, a little bulletproof coffee has been my saving grace for hunger. The plan is to be off the bulletproof coffee by the end of week two when my body has had time to adjust to the lifestyle change.
I have been drinking 2-3 liters of water in the morning with tea or black coffee. When I start to get hungry around 8/9am I make bulletproof coffee which has been holding me over to my eating window at 12. I also make sure my fasting periods are busy so I don’t have time to think about being hungry. The last hour is tricky but I spend the first 30 minutes meditating and the last cooking. That has been helpful.
I have been breaking my fast with veggies or a smoothie to easy my belly into stretching out and then eating two big meals during my eating hours. I haven’t been restrictive with treats… just moderation per usual ( I love gluten-free cookie dough… sue me).
I was SUPER hungry night one and had a difficult time sleeping. (Again) I did my research and that’s normal during the one-two week adjustment period.
Guys if you want weekly updates… LET ME KNOW. I’m down to share the good, bad and ugly. I like to give the people what they want.
Make good choices. Look both ways. Love you the most
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