Why Athletes Need Pilates

Pilates is thought to be the go-to format for suburban moms in lululemon aligns driving the newest Range Rover with their left ring finger weighed down by a big ass diamond. And while that may be true…(and describes some of my favorite humans//clients on the planet) pilates is the key to improving sports performance for all athletes. 

Pilates is finally getting the spotlight in the world of athletics that It deserves. If you are truly trying to improve in your sport you need Pilates. It is the difference between first and second place. It’s the difference between starting every game or riding the bench with a season-ending injury. 

Pilates is…and I can’t stress this enough…game-changing. Just ask LeBron James, Antonio Brown, James Hardon or Jake Arrieta…they all practice Pilates.

Here is a list of 20 Professional male athletes who get the magic of Pilates. 

If you are a runner you need Pilates. 

A golfer 

A baseball, football or lacrosse player. 

A swimmer or diver.

Honestly, if you are a human with a body, you need pilates. 

Actually, if you aren’t a human and you’re able to read + comprehend this you could probably use the practice too. 

I am fortunate enough to work with athletes in various sports in a wide range of ages. To be honest, athletes are my jam. I love the mindset of someone who is in the game to win. There is an extra purpose to their practice. 

It’s my job to read and evaluate the body. I’m looking for imbalances, muscle endurance, weaknesses, joint immobility, + core stability. I’m constantly scanning and reading your body. I treat your body like it’s the first time I’m seeing it every time you come in. Your body shows up differently every time we meet. I work with the body I am seeing to meet my athletes where they are at that moment. 

My goal is to make sure you are ready to hit the pavement, pool, field or green with the most confidence. 

For my runners…I look for posture. For a runner, posture is everything for efficiency. In order to get that efficiency posture, I need to work on strengthening your core. I’m also going to increase your range of motion in your hips + flexibility. I am going to decrease your recovery time and post-run pain. All of this will allow you to PR at your next race. 

My focus for golfers, baseball//lacrosse players is very similar. I want to make sure your swing, pass or shot is as powerful as possible. We will work on increasing your follow-through by increasing the range of motion in your shoulder girdle. I can increase the distance the ball travels by increasing the power driven from your hips + torso paired with more flexibility in the same muscles. We work on balance making you more agile and in control through spinal rotation. We work on your nondominant side to ensure you are balanced. 

Swimmers need proper alignment to glide through the water. By ensuring alignment, you decrease the resistance the body has moving through the water, therefore, increasing your speed. We work on stabilization making you more efficient by teaching you how to move your legs with your core. This allows you to conserve energy and have more speed and power in your kicks. 

Personally, I use Pilates for my lifting. I know in my soul I wouldn’t be able to lift the way I love to without having the foundations of Pilates in my motor memory. Core strength paired with spinal // joint stability…oh, GIRL, we are here for these big lifts. 

Listen you guys, I am a highly competitive human. I want my athletes to win just as much as they do. We win together. 

That being said if you are within a 2-hour radius of the Philly area and are an athlete and//or coach athletes I will come host a free clinic to get your athletes moving + thinking like a championship team. Email me directly at thepilatesblonde@gmail.com to book

Don’t trust my word? You can read more about pilates for athletes here +  here

Make good choices. Look both ways.

Love you the most,



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