Several weeks ago I posted my weekly workout routine on Insta and the majority of question I received were all about my trainer.

“If you already know how to lift why are you paying someone?”

“You are a trainer… why do you have one?”

Being in the fitness industry and hiring another fitness professional isn’t a sign of weakness. There is strength in understanding you cant possibly know everything about everything.

While working out is my jam, I am NOT a personal trainer. I have been lifting for as long as I can remember. I am a certified Pilates and cycle instructor. I know what I am doing in the gym but sometimes I just need to zone out and be told what to do. I want my form picked apart. I want feedback on my progress. I want someone to force me to work on my weaknesses. I want an expert to make me better, stronger and faster.

I told my dad I was sick of my own workouts. I was bored of the routine; chest and tris on Monday, back and bis on Tuesday. YAWN I wanted fresh eyes on my form (aside from creepy old dude who hangs out by the squat rack). He mentioned there was a trainer at the barber shop one time who climbed a mountain in the middle of a blizzard or something like that. I knew that was exactly the kind of trainer I wanted…someone slightly batshit crazy to get me out of my comfort zone. I was also dreaming of a trainer who had a private facility because, believe it or not… I hate lifting with an audience.

Then, along came Ryan. Ryan pushes me. He pushes me to lift heavier and makes me work on my weaknesses. Before Ryan, I was squatting maybe 105 and wondering why I was literally never sore. He showed me (by adding far more weight than I usually do) that I am more than capable of squatting 175lbs for 8 reps. He also makes me work on balance…by far my biggest weakness (which means it’s my biggest opportunity for growth).

I have never done conditioning…like ever. I didn’t play team sports growing up. I needed someone to teach me the basics and push me to do it. Someone to watch the timer while I sprint on the versa climber…someone to get me on the versa climber in the first place. As it turns out, I love conditioning. I love suicides… and if you add a weighed sled to it, it’s super painful and burns in the best way. Who knew?

Since working with Ryan, all my workouts have improved. I lift far heavier on my own. I actually work on my weaknesses because I am far more aware of them and how they impact the way my body moves in and out of the gym.

So how do you find a trainer that is right for you??? SHOP AROUND. Ask your friends. Check them out on social media. Call them to chat about their certifications and training style. GOOGLE their certs to make sure they are nationally accredited. Read their testimonials.

Most importantly, make sure your personalities mesh well. Ryan is the perfect trainer for me…he knows he can push me. He knows when I am cursing at him that I don’t mean it. He knows I am highly motivated by stories about his family… especially his twin boys. Ryan works with ALL levels…so if you are in the Lansdale area PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give him a call. I promise you thank me!





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