You Asked About: My Bed

Hello Gorgeous!

Im writing to you from my bed for two reasons; one because I can and two because I am trying a new cleanse//nutrition plan situation to review for you and I’m feeling the caffeine withdrawal. (If you know me, you know coffee is my soulmate…like I cant live without her so this next month or so is going to be rough).

However, this chillin//workin in bed situation brings me to the very topic I get the most emails about…my bed. I wasn’t expecting you girls to want to know all about my bed, but I get it…it is glam yet super cozy. The story behind this bed is equal parts funny and disastrous so I figured I would share it with you.

Soooooo when I decided to launch TPB, I was adamant that I was doing this whole thing on my own (Currently listening to Me, Myself and I by my girl Beyoncé). I saved for months to hire all the right people for my website but also to redesign my room. With a very specific look in mind, I painted my pink and dark brown walls WHITE. While I was letting the paint dry I spent hours searching for the perfect furniture on countless websites. I found my desk on Overstock. I spent my time off of work drive to HomeGoods, Pier 1 and different Target locations on the hunt for the pieces I had dreamed up in my head.

I was walking through HomeGoods one day in search of a gold bar cart to use as a nightstand. I turned down an aisle and see a soft gray upholstered headboard in the distance. I see her and I map out my plan to get to this diamond in the rough through a sea of end tables, couches and one seven foot tall Native American statute (strange but true). Have you ever noticed that when you are in a store like HomeGoods if another shopper can sense you want something they try and grab it before you can get there…I couldn’t let that happen to my dream bed. I causally (yet quickly) approach the headboard. The tag said she was $135. SOLD. I buy her and pull my Jeep up on the curb to load this thing into the back. A very sweet lady who happened to be walking by, probably in her late 60s//early 70s,  and I got this thing loaded in my car and I was off.

Excited, I ran into my dad’s office (he works from home) to show him this beauty I got for a total steal. He sees it and says, “How do you hang it up?” Well, there was a reason this gorgeous headboard was on sale and that was because it didn’t have any hardware to hang on a wall and there was no way to attach it to a bed frame. Whoops.

Regardless I was still really proud of myself and decided I was totally fine with a mattress on the floor as long as my headboard was chic. Fast forward to my parents coming home from a grad party to find my mattress on the floor with a headboard that was too big behind it…Apparently that couldn’t happen. Which lead to them offering to buy my a big beautiful bed and me in tears because then I wasn’t doing this project on my own.

Eventually I caved, the tears dried and the my bed was my birthday gift (thanks mom and dad). Now I have an even better bed, that was put together by deliver guys and I didn’t have to sneak it up the stairs while my family was out of the house…everyone wins.

As you can tell I have a thing for pillows…I used to require 17, but Im growing as a person and taming my selective OCD and cut it back to 15. My comforter is from Urban Outfitters circa two summers ago…It was the one I took to college (Pro Tip: Queen size comforter on your dorm bed makes it look extra glam). Im just as obsessed with it as I was the day I got it.

Welllll that is all I have for you ladies. These new workouts I am testing out for you are insane…20 minutes and you are dunzo (read in Kristin Cavallari’s voice). I will tell you all about them on Friday after I try the method on all my muscle groups…spoiler alert this sh!t works. Im off to talk a walk with my pups and eat.

PS: While being stubborn trying to move my old headboard into my room by myself I stepped on a hammer and cut my foot open. Because I love you here is a pic post injury//pre perfectly styled pillows. Please ignore the typo and bad lighting… It was late and I was in a lotttttt of pain. Enjoy.




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